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Purchasing tickets for specific destinations

over 7 years ago
6 responses


Am I supposed to buy a ticket for specific destinations in advance? For example, if I want to travel from Tokyo to Kyoto on a specific date at a specific time, can I book that ticket in advance? Is there assigned seating on the trains?

It sounds like with the JR Pass I get an exchange order which I need to take to a kiosk in the country and exchange it for an actual train pass there. If that's the case than can I put a hold on a specific train in advance? Maybe the trains aren't that crowded and you don't need to but just looking for some advice.


18857 posts
over 7 years ago

Hi there,

You can buy train tickets at any JR station in Japan. With the JR Pass, you can do so once you have gone through the exchange process. Even if you don't start using the JR Pass right away.

Train reservations can on most days be made for the same day. It is however recommend to make reservations a couple of days in advance during busy periods, like new year, golden week, obon and some weekends.

Hope this helps,

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