• My first Japanese trip Nopporn

    I confuse which JR … I should buy! My travel plan is Day 2 Ueno o Kawaguchiko by Fuji excursion ...
    Il y a 10 jours
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    327 vues
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  • kids under 6 years old and travel time.cmumma

    Hi, I am traveling with 5 adults and 2 year old grand daughter. Do I need to purchase a ticket fo...
    Il y a 10 jours
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  • Osaka to HiroshimaSimone75

    Hello We are travelling from Osaka to Hiroshima for a day then Osaka to Kyoto for a few days Then...
    Il y a 10 jours
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  • Liyama & HiroshimaIanJapan

    Hi We are residents of Australia and are going on a ski trip near Liyama Station and require one...
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  • Kansai Hokuriku Area pass Hng

    Hi, we are 2 adult who going to Japan on 2/4/25 and returning on 13/4/25. We choose Osaka as bas...
    Il y a 10 jours
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  • MonedaTasho

    Hola, en qué moneda están los valores ? Gracias
    Il y a 10 jours
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    6 jours
  • Is it worth buying the JP Rail pass for the following itinerary?alevc

    I will be traveling with my husband in October 2025 and have the following itinerary for a total ...
    Il y a 11 jours
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  • do you recommend JR pass for our planned itineraryGretRich

    JAPAN: (March 10-April 6) Total time in Japan March 10-April 6: March 10: Tokyo, Japan (March 1...
    Il y a 11 jours
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  • Luggage[email protected]

    I am traveling from shinjuku in tyoko to shiojiro. Will I be able to reserve two seats and I wil...
    Il y a 11 jours
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  • Upgrade Questionbillylen

    If I purchase the standard 7day pass can I upgrade for specific travel to green or even gran clas...
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  • How to use the JR RAIL PASStmkumagai

    I have received the JR Pass receipt and vouchers for my trip to Japan in March. I am not clear o...
    Il y a 11 jours
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  • Pass or Individual tkts?alh177

    Hi, Apr 1 ITM to downtown Osaka Apr 2 Osaka to Kyoto Apr 4 Kyoto to Kanazawa Apr 6 Kanazawa to T...
    Il y a 11 jours
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  • JR Pass -MangalaK

    Hi, We are a group of 4 adults and 4 children Visiting Japan in April for 13 nights. Our approxi...
    Il y a 11 jours
    1 réponse
    29 vues
    environ 3 heures
  • 18 Days Family TravelDoji

    Hello There, I'm preparing our family travel to the wonderful Japan. W're 4 People ( 2 adults an...
    Il y a 11 jours
    1 réponse
    28 vues
    environ 6 heures
  • Would appreciate your adviceKiraly

    Hi there, We are travelling to Japan on March 12, 2025. We plan to do the following and would li...
    Il y a 11 jours
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  • Purchasing multiple JR passessAbboAbbo

    I am traveling with a group of 6 from Tokyo to Osaka. I wanted to purchase a JR pass, but my ques...
    Il y a 12 jours
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  • Reserve seats to ride the Hokuto Limited Express between Sapporo ...zaxpeed

    I purchased the Hokkaido JR pass and was planning to take a round-trip on the Hokuto Limited Expr...
    Il y a 12 jours
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  • Need advise on what is the best option to re. trainticketsFaya

    Hi, We have a trip booked from 25 April - 12 May from Tokyo Haneda airport to final destination ...
    Il y a 12 jours
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  • To be cost effectivewilsongj2002

    How many trips would you need to make for the JRPass to be cost effective v's buying individual t...
    Il y a 12 jours
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    6 jours
  • Are you open to meet us 24 hours?Leon and Rosa

    The same question.
    Il y a 12 jours
    1 réponse
    4 vues
    environ 5 heures

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