• Rail pass with work visacigreig

    I will be entering Japan in June with a one year work visa. Am I still eligible to use the Japan...
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    1 réponse
    8186 vues
    environ 12 ans
  • Delivery speeds to Sydney, Australia?guanhui85

    How long will it take for JR Passes to be delivered to Sydney, Australia if I purchase them tomor...
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    1 réponse
    13599 vues
    environ 12 ans
  • Is JR Pass for me in Kansai?Pinky

    My husband and I are going to Osaka and Kyoto for 10 days next week. We will be first travelling ...
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    3 réponse
    9878 vues
    environ 12 ans
  • 16 days and Mt Fujijohncairns

    Hi, I'm travelling to Japan at the end of July with my partner and I'm trying to work out if it i...
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    2 réponse
    12820 vues
    environ 12 ans
  • Hokkaido (Hakodate) to Tokyoandrew

    Need some advice, Will be traveling to Hokkaido and had not finalize the itinerary within Hokkai...
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    2 réponse
    12427 vues
    environ 12 ans
  • Tokyo - Kyoto - Hiroshima and more, in 14 dayscolpam

    I am visiting Japan in July, and might use the JR pass for the following trips, within 14 days - ...
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    1 réponse
    12461 vues
    environ 12 ans
  • Kansai and Hokkaido valid with JR Pass?bart.vandewiele

    Hi, I'm planning a trip to visit the Kansai area and Hokkaido, during a total of 3 weeks. I am j...
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    1 réponse
    13149 vues
    environ 12 ans
  • JRPass useful + best place to see Mt FujiBIGHANK

    Hi, I wanted to buy the JR PASS for one week. We did this several times before but covered a lot...
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    6 réponse
    17659 vues
    environ 12 ans
  • Best use advice and Kawaguchiko with a JR Pass?Like

    Hallo, I have a plan to travel to Japan with below itinerary : 19 Dec 12 - 20 Dec 12 : Kansai Ai...
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    1 réponse
    21798 vues
    presque 8 ans
  • Questions on types of JR PassBzaww

    Dear Mari, Pls help to answer my questions. I found one Singapore webpage (http://www.jnto.org....
    Il y a environ 12 ans
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    environ 12 ans
  • Not sure if 7 or 14 days neither 7 and which dayslagrub

    Hello! I am planning my trip for this August, and I am not sure whether I should take JRPass for ...
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    1 réponse
    10569 vues
    environ 12 ans
  • Travel from Haneda Airport to Osakamakching

    Hi, We plan to travel from Haneda Airport to Osaka, would you please advice how to get there wit...
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    1 réponse
    65729 vues
    environ un mois
  • Tokyo-Fukuoka-Osaka-Tokyomichaelmooreisfat

    This October I will be traveling from Tokyo to Fukuoka, then from Fukuoka to Osaka, and then from...
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    1 réponse
    9063 vues
    plus de 9 ans
  • Tokyo to Kobe cheapest with JR Pass?spyder6857

    My wife and I are going to be leaving Tokyo on July 12 going to Kobe and returning on July 15th. ...
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    4 réponse
    33623 vues
    environ 6 ans
  • Nozomi validity with JR PassOckie01

    Am I able to also use the Nozomi 700 from Tokyo to Kyoto with the Japan Rail Pass?
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    1 réponse
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    environ 12 ans
  • Would it be worthwhile getting a 7 day pass for travel from Tokyo...Titleist

    Hi Am gonna be in Japan for 8 days... Planning to spend 2 nights in Tokyo, 3 in Kyoto and 2 in O...
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    3 réponse
    8844 vues
    environ 12 ans
  • Delivery speeds to USAcguan17

    I ordered a pass today, and I need it in two days? What if it doesn't arrive on time?
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    1 réponse
    11851 vues
    environ 12 ans
  • JR pass fits my schedule?amanda311

    i plan to use 21 days pass but i wonder if it fit into my schedule OSAKA > AKITA > AOMORI &...
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    3 réponse
    12595 vues
    environ 12 ans
  • 8 days in Japan: Osaka, Universal Studios, Kobe, Nara, Kyoto, Kaw...misskyo

    Hi! I am currently planning a budget trip for my family and friends of 6 adults and 1 child for ...
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    6 réponse
    14482 vues
    environ 4 ans
  • JR pass yes or no/1 week 2 weeks?Robert-Jan

    Hello, My wife and I planned a vacation to Japan in July, we are looking so much forward to it! ...
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    2 réponse
    13891 vues
    environ 12 ans

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