  • family tripRazan

    Hello, We are a family of 6 (4 above 11 years and 2 under 11) .. we are planning an 8 days holid...
    11 天前
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    3 天
  • Would JRPass worth for me ? Devina1112

    Hi Dear JR Experts, I would like to ask wheter JR Pass worth for me or not. I would be traveling...
    12 天前
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    3 天
  • What pass would be ideal for me?kare

    Hi, I'm travelling to Japan on 2/4 to Tokyo and from there: 02/4 Tokyo 05/4 Nagoya Day Trip 07/4 ...
    12 天前
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    2 天
  • Moja podróż po Japonii Tomasz1974

    Please advise me on buying the cheapest option for traveling in Japan. I, my wife and my two daug...
    12 天前
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  • Are the passes consecutive days or just travel days on the train EricaIggo

    I was wondering if I purchased a 7 day pass, does it start from day one you travel on the 1st tra...
    12 天前
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  • JR Pass or Individual miches

    Hi, I will be arriving into Narita Airport in mid March and will depart from there also at the e...
    12 天前
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    7 天
  • Reservations with JR Hokuriku Arch passKSB1949

    We are planning to arrive in Tokyo 3/18, having purchased a JR Hokuriku Arch pass. We want to us...
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    6 天
  • Japan Itinerary- Family of 5whaller09

    Hi, we are a family of 5 traveling to Japan in the spring (2 adults, three children ages 12, 9, 7...
    13 天前
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  • Regional vs Japan RailcardPrinces

    Hello, we are wondering whether to buy a Japan railcard for 7 days of a 13 night trip, starting t...
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  • Is it possible that none of the regional passes is worth buying f...NB

    Hello, we are a family of 5 (all above 11 years old) and we are planing a trip around Japan in J...
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  • Hello kindly help hazelhugo

    Hi there, We, a family of 4 with 2 kids under 9yrs will be visiting Japan on late March - April ...
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  • Seat reservationSigrun Kristjansdottir

    Hello. We are four people travelling to Japan on March 27 2025. We will be going ca Tokyo- Kyoto ...
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  • Itinerary JP rail pass BC13

    Hello We are 3 adults traveling from California to Haneda Airport at the beginning of April. Can ...
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    8 天
  • What is more convenientPinar Celik

    Hello, We would like to visit Japan, with my Husband and 1 son. We will start from Osaka and will...
    14 天前
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  • Traveling to Tokyo-Osaka-TokyoFredesminda

    Aloha, We (4 adults) will be travelling into Haneda to Tokyo (5 days - Shinjuku area) then to Os...
    14 天前
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    9 天
  • This is my itinerary. Is the JR pass worth it?Dara

    Hello - I have tried working out whether the JR pass is worth buying based on my itinerary below...
    14 天前
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  • Tokyo Trip May 2025Hawaiian Pickleball

    We have 3 adults and 1 child age 2, we are flying into Narita Airport and will be staying at Toky...
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  • Hakone to Hiroshimacoleen

    Can I use the JR Pass to travel from Hakone to Hiroshima on the Shinkansen trains?
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  • General Questionskkphoajpn

    Heading to Japan in mid-Mar but overwhelm with planning process. My itinerary is as follows: Day ...
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  • Inclusions in the Hokuriku Arch Passcharceguerra

    Dear JR pass, Good day. I want to double check the inclusion of Hokuriku Arch Pass. We plan to...
    15 天前
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    10 天


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