

JRPass.com presents
Our new booking servicefor tourists visiting Japan

Find your perfect place to stay in Japan.

Over 2815 hotels and 1840 ryokans, covering all regions of the Cherry blossom country

Visit USJVisit USJ

Visiting Universal Studios Japan

Universal studios Japan (USJ), is the largest amusement park in Osaka. Learn about ticket prices, day passes, attractions, money saving tips and park access.
7day Itinerary7day Itinerary

The Best 7 Day Japan Itinerary For First Time Visitors

The best 7-day Japan itinerary for first time visitors, by experienced Japan travelers. Experience the best stops of Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka.
Tokaido ShinkansenTokaido Shinkansen

What Is The Tokaido Shinkansen

Learn about the Tokaido Shinkansen, the JR Pass validity, route details, train services and everything else you need to know.
Kansai Area PassKansai Area Pass

Everything You Need To Know About The Kansai Area Pass

Make the most out of a visit to Japan’s Kansai region by using the handy Kansai Area Pass, from JR West. Learn what is included and how to best use it.

5 Incredible Castles In Japan To Visit

One of the most underrated features of Japan are the castles. Across the islands of Japan there are many castles that highlight Japan’s feudal past.
Hello Kitty HarukaHello Kitty Haruka

Hello Kitty Haruka Express

The Hello Kitty Haruka Express will ferry visitors to Japan between Kyoto, Osaka and Kansai Airport (KIX).
All about the Kansai Area PassAll about the Kansai Area Pass

The Kansai Area Pass Explained

Explore the Kansai region with a JR Kansai Area Pass. Visit: Kyoto, Osaka, Kobe, Nara, Himeji and more.
Haruka - ExpressHaruka - Express

Haruka Express Train And Jr Pass The Easy Connection From Kansai Airport To Kyoto And Osaka

Ride the Haruka Express with the Japan Rail Pass for Free. The best way to get from Kansai Airport to Kyoto, Osaka and back.
Visit KoyasanVisit Koyasan

Itinerary Tip: Koya San

Find true Zen among the hidden temple town located at the top of Mount Koya. Find out what to do at Koya-san and how to get there with the JR Pass.
21 day JR Pass21 day JR Pass

21 Day Jr Pass Recommended Itinerary: Kanto, Kansai And Kyushu

Here is our expert recommended itinerary for the 21 day JR Pass. Visiting Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, Hiroshima and Kyushu.



JRPass.com presents
Our new booking servicefor tourists visiting Japan

Find your perfect place to stay in Japan.

Over 2815 hotels and 1840 ryokans, covering all regions of the Cherry blossom country



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