Ordina la tua JR Pass
  • Some cities are served or no by the JR Pass?tolila

    Hello, Here's the itinary that i plan to do: -Tokyo - Kyoto -Kyoto - Osaka -Osaka - Nara I want...
    circa 12 anni fa
    3 risposte
    7339 visualizzazioni
    circa 12 anni
  • Should I get a JR Passhclim586

    Hey 先辈, A group of 4 would like to travel to Osaka, Kyoto, Nara and Hiroshima in November. We wo...
    circa 12 anni fa
    4 risposte
    8106 visualizzazioni
    circa 12 anni
  • Travel Tokyo, Mt. Fuji, Kyoto and Osaka and back to Tokyohuyenpham

    Hi, We are 6 adults and 2 children, 5 and 8 years old. Traveling from Tokyo to Mt. Fuji then to ...
    circa 12 anni fa
    8 risposte
    20125 visualizzazioni
    circa 6 anni
  • Would the JRP be beneficial for my travel requirements?stefanigianni

    We are flying in to Tokyo. Planning on staying there a couple of days. Then traveling on to Kyoto...
    circa 12 anni fa
    3 risposte
    8974 visualizzazioni
    circa 12 anni
  • Is JRP worth it?irving

    For a Four day visit to Japan arriving in Narita, staying in Central Tokyo, a day trip to Kyoto v...
    circa 12 anni fa
    3 risposte
    8109 visualizzazioni
    circa 12 anni
  • Am confused Jimjim

    3 questions 1- our itenerary is arrival at narita airport march 28th, stay in Tokyo until march ...
    circa 12 anni fa
    1 risposta
    7632 visualizzazioni
    circa 12 anni
  • Haneda to HiroshimaTorelli

    Hello friends, I will arrive in Tokyo on April 14st at 5am and I need to go to Hiroshima but the...
    circa 12 anni fa
    1 risposta
    7055 visualizzazioni
    circa 12 anni
  • 3 weeks with one week in tokyo .Do We need rail passedathome

    Arriving Osaka 1st May . Train straight to Tokyo 7 nights Tokyo. . 2 or 3 day trips from Tokyo. i...
    circa 12 anni fa
    3 risposte
    8379 visualizzazioni
    circa 12 anni
  • should we buy 7 days JRpass ?felice

    We are group of 6 persons coming to Japan in the start of November for 10 days stay, firstcomers....
    circa 12 anni fa
    1 risposta
    6807 visualizzazioni
    circa 12 anni
  • Which pass is best?Jill

    4/5 tokyo -nikko 4/7 nikko to tokyo 4/8 tokyo to kyoto 4/14 kyoto to haneda Thank you!
    circa 12 anni fa
    1 risposta
    7055 visualizzazioni
    circa 12 anni
  • From Kyoto to HakoneTorelli

    Hello friends, I need to go from Kyoto to Ubako-Station in Hakone. What is the best way to get ...
    circa 12 anni fa
    2 risposte
    9378 visualizzazioni
    circa 12 anni
  • 2 or 3 week pass?skmackenzie

    We are going to Japan April 4th and have the following itinerary. Arrive Tokyo, Narita April 5th....
    circa 12 anni fa
    1 risposta
    8078 visualizzazioni
    circa 12 anni
  • JR Pass queryr10392

    HI, My Aunt and cousin brother (temporary visitor) are planning to visit Japan for 1 month from ...
    circa 12 anni fa
    1 risposta
    7387 visualizzazioni
    circa 12 anni
  • Hi,sku

    My husband and I will be travelling to Japan, we will be staying 2 nights at Tokyo and 2 nights a...
    circa 12 anni fa
    1 risposta
    6896 visualizzazioni
    circa 12 anni
  • Overnight trains and other questionsDada

    Hello, I will be traveling in Japan for 3 weeks starting April 23rd. I already ordered my 21-day...
    circa 12 anni fa
    2 risposte
    9541 visualizzazioni
    circa 12 anni
  • 14 Days in Japan, with 7 Day JR Pass?benrmatthews

    Hi there, We have two weeks in Japan, beginning early April. We fly to and from Tokyo and inten...
    circa 12 anni fa
    2 risposte
    20156 visualizzazioni
    circa 12 anni
  • Best pass for Narita Airport to Shin-Kobelou

    I will be travelling from Narita Airport to Shin-Kobe on 5 April and returning on 18 April with s...
    circa 12 anni fa
    5 risposte
    15101 visualizzazioni
    oltre 10 anni
  • Tokyo travel and 7 day passselcuk

    Hi, We are (a couple) planning a trip to JP from 21-29 April. Reaching Narita Airport at 21 and s...
    circa 12 anni fa
    1 risposta
    7116 visualizzazioni
    oltre 4 anni
  • 1st classhughball

    If I buy a 1st class, can I use it on the Nozomi trains? Ideally, I need an 8 day pass - I assume...
    circa 12 anni fa
    5 risposte
    7190 visualizzazioni
    circa 12 anni
  • Tokyo - Kyoto - Kanazawa - Osaka Mei

    Is it worth getting the 7 -Day Pass for this itinerary? As I will be travelling in early April, ...
    circa 12 anni fa
    2 risposte
    7682 visualizzazioni
    circa 12 anni

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